Source code for flask_acl.permission

from collections import Container, Callable

from flask_acl.globals import current_acl_manager

# Permissions
class All(object):
    def __contains__(self, other):
        return True
    def __repr__(self):
        return 'ALL'

default_permission_sets = {
    'ALL': All(),
    'http.get': set(('http.get', 'http.head', 'http.options')),

[docs]def parse_permission_set(input): """Lookup a permission set name in the defined permissions. Requires a Flask app context. """ if isinstance(input, basestring): try: return current_acl_manager.permission_sets[input] except KeyError: raise ValueError('unknown permission set %r' % input) return input
[docs]def is_permission_in_set(perm, perm_set): """Test if a permission is in the given set. :param perm: The permission object to check for. :param perm_set: The set to check in. If a ``str``, the permission is checked for equality. If a container, the permission is looked for in the set. If a function, the permission is passed to the "set". """ if isinstance(perm_set, basestring): return perm == perm_set elif isinstance(perm_set, Container): return perm in perm_set elif isinstance(perm_set, Callable): return perm_set(perm) else: raise TypeError('permission set must be a string, container, or callable')

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