Symmetric Ciphers ================= Overview -------- :: from tomcrypt import cipher The ``tomcrypt.cipher`` module contains a :class:`~.cipher.Descriptor` class which describes a cipher, and a :class:`.Cipher` class for using a cipher (eg. keys, IVs, etc.). As a convenience there is a pre-made :class:`~.cipher.Descriptor` for every cipher provided. The module also contains a list of the names of all ciphers provided, and the modes that they can operate in:: >>> sorted(cipher.names) ['aes', 'anubis', 'blowfish', 'cast5', 'des', 'des3', 'kasumi', 'khazad', 'kseed', 'noekeon', 'rc2', 'rc5', 'rc6', 'rijndael', 'saferp', 'twofish', 'xtea'] >>> sorted(cipher.modes) ['cbc', 'cfb', 'ctr', 'ecb', 'f8', 'lrw', 'ofb'] We can inspect some of the properties of a cipher via attributes on a :class:`~.cipher.Descriptor` or :class:`.Cipher`:: >>> cipher.aes.block_size 16 >>> cipher.aes.min_key_size 16 >>> cipher.aes.max_key_size 32 :meth:`Descriptor.key_size ` returns the size of the largest key than can be constructed from a string of a given size:: >>> cipher.aes.key_size(18) 16 We can construct a :class:`Cipher` object directly (and pass a cipher name via the ``cipher`` kwarg) or, as a shortcut, use an instantiated :class:`Descriptor` as a factory. You can pass a ``key``, ``iv``, ``cipher`` (if calling ``Cipher``; defaults to ``"aes"``), ``mode`` (defaults to ``"ctr"``), ``tweak`` (only for ``"lrw"`` mode), and ``salt_key`` (only for "f8" mode). :: >>> encryptor = cipher.Cipher(key=b'0123456789abcdef', iv=b'0123456789abcdef', cipher='aes', mode='ctr') >>> # OR >>> encryptor = cipher.aes(key=b'0123456789abcdef', iv=b'0123456789abcdef', mode='ctr') >>> message = encryptor.encrypt(b'This is a message') >>> message b'&\x1a\x17\xfb>\xb5\x8e!a\x87u\r\nz\xd4\x02\x94' >>> decryptor = cipher.aes(key=b'0123456789abcdef', iv=b'0123456789abcdef', mode='ctr') >>> decryptor.decrypt(message) b'This is a message' For those modes which support an IV, you can explicitly get and set it via :meth:`Cipher.get_iv ` and :meth:`Cipher.set_iv ` methods. Descriptor API -------------- .. autoclass:: tomcrypt.cipher.Descriptor .. automethod:: tomcrypt.cipher.Descriptor.__init__ .. automethod:: tomcrypt.cipher.Descriptor.__call__ .. autoattribute:: .. autoattribute:: tomcrypt.cipher.Descriptor.block_size .. autoattribute:: tomcrypt.cipher.Descriptor.default_rounds .. autoattribute:: tomcrypt.cipher.Descriptor.max_key_size .. autoattribute:: tomcrypt.cipher.Descriptor.min_key_size .. automethod:: tomcrypt.cipher.Descriptor.key_size Cipher API ---------- .. autoclass:: tomcrypt.cipher.Cipher Basics ^^^^^^ .. automethod:: tomcrypt.cipher.Cipher.__init__ .. automethod:: tomcrypt.cipher.Cipher.encrypt .. automethod:: tomcrypt.cipher.Cipher.decrypt Initialization Vectors ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. automethod:: tomcrypt.cipher.Cipher.get_iv .. automethod:: tomcrypt.cipher.Cipher.set_iv EAX-Specific Methods ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. automethod:: tomcrypt.cipher.Cipher.add_header .. automethod:: tomcrypt.cipher.Cipher.done .. .. autofunction:: test_library